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Thursday, August 25, 2005The Double HelixA long time ago in an office far, far away there were two enormous towers of paperwork... The towers were guarded by a giant, well a mid sized giant... All of the tenants of the towers were happy, bc as the population grew so did the towers... The mid sized giant disappeared for some time, and the people of the towers were frightened of the worst.... What's the worst you ask? THE TOWER MOLESTER!!!! Every office has one, so beware... About a week had past and the people of the tower thought they were safe... Then two days before the mid sized giant returned, the towers were molested out of nowhere... The people of the towers ran in terror... It was like King Kong on the empire state building, people were falling out of 70 story papers... The brute force of this tower molester left the towers twisted and contorted, with half the population unaccounted for... Then the mid sized giant returned to find his towers molested to the enth degree... After making sure all the paperwork people were safe, the mid size giant rebuilt the towers bigger and better than ever imagined..... Something was wrong!!! None of the paperwork people would move back in to the towers.... The mid size giant was worried... The giant begged, and begged some more, and still no people would move in.... The paperwork people were too afraid of the king kong brute force of the TOWER MOLESTER, to move back in... The mid sized giant tried to show the paperwork people that the towers were safe by staying in the towers himself, but being too big for the towers just gave him nightmares and made his closterphobicness flare up... One night the mid size giant sees a very tall silent giant and tells him the problem and asks for some advice... The two of them brainstorm for hours until the tall silent giant suggests to relocate the towers... The mid sized giant said CRYKEE! well that's not enough, what if the tower molester finds them in the new location? Then the tall silent giant said well that's something we will have to remedy... One night during a FULL MOON the two giants flung into action!!!! The two of them work hard through the night with no sleep, food, or water until.... They found a nice desolate part of the office to relocate the towers, this made the paperwork people sofa king happy... Not only were the towers relocated, but they were given a huge makeover!!!! The giants had decided on a design that would puzzle the tower molester and maybe frighten the molester to stop molesting forever... It's a bad habit you know... LOL... The DOUBLE HELIX!!!! This was the design the giants had agreed would work the best... The two of them worked until they could barely move, and when the paperwork people came back to see this masterpiece, you would have thought they had ocean front property... Cheering loud and proud the paperwork people moved in to their new establishment, then quickly threw the two giants a late night parade in their honor!!!! The Double Helix still stands to this day, and as of yet the tower molester has yet to try and molest the double helix... The End CT