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Monday, December 19, 2005BONER!!!Not only did the Saugeen Stripper give, you, me, the mailman, a dentist, the checker at the super market, your doctor, Big AL, your sisters boyfriend, the guy down the road, my neighbor, Tarzan, Dan, Tony, Mike, a UPS driver, Special K's boyfriend, Santa, most of the elves, all of the reindeer, Scotty pimpin, Phil, Rude Dog, that guy over ther, Someone in Fargo, a kickball captain, bigfoot, a midget, Vince Young, Nova, JBOX's boyfriend, Firecrackers boyfriend, a doberman, 3 blind mice, a gay guy, the pope, michael jackson, the prez, shabooty, mlah, Jimmy J, nick, bisch, Rocky, 4rilla, a dude in austin, Andy, Steve, my boss, Trump, and mickey mouse A HUGE BONER!!!!! But she gave my stats one too, look check it out!!!! LMFAO!!! Dude what does mine say? Sweet what does mine say? Good times, Craig