"When I choose a restaurant, I like to know who else eats there!"

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Was I going that fast?

Phil and I ended up getting a late start on our way to Houston, BC the guy who was going to watch Jeff couldn't get him as early as we wanted... So I decided to make up some time on the road...

Well that turned out to be a mistake!!!! Just outside of a small town called Fort Sumner, I got nailed for speeding... Man I tried I tried everything to get out of this ticket... But he gave me the excuse that he already wrote it out... LOL... Fucking cop!!!! What was also bullshit was that his cop truck looked incognito, how the hell was I supposed to know that cops drove trucks, with hidden lights... I even had a radar detector, but what sucked about that is he got me coming up on a hill, so the detector didn't pick it up until he was right on me.. So I ended up telling this cop that I'd take it to court, BC I don't want my insurance to get jack up high...

Now I have to go to court next Wednesday!!!! What sucks about this is Fort Sumner is around 3 1/2 hours away from Alb... And they scheduled my appearance for 10 am, so now I have to get up at the but crack of dawn just so I can get there on time... FUN!!! I just hope the Judge lets me off.. One good thing I have going for me is the fact that the officer wrote out the ticket wrong, he put the posted speed was 55 and it was actually 65... LOL, so hopefully this will be to my advantage...

My dilemma is once I'm there in front of the judge, what should I say in my defense? I was
thinking about saying that I had the runs, and had to get to the bathroom fast... What do you think I should say? Does anyone have any ideas???

I think part of the reason the fucking cop didn't let me off with a warning was BC he was intimidated from Phil's mountain manliness... I totally understand, BC in Phil's winter mountain man action he is very intimidating... I think the cop was scared... LOL...

Ok everyone help me brainstorm on an excuse to get out of this damn ticket... And yes I'm going to dress like a nerd for court, I think that will help... LOL...


Posted by CT :: 10:24 PM :: 6 comments|

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